Haven’t got time for a treatment??
Oh we have got you covered with our Coolifting Gun – get refreshed skin in literally 5 minutes!
(Works for cellulite too!)

Improved skin in just one session.

Coolifting is designed to easily treat facial wrinkles,both the expression ones and the gravitational ones,eyes outline,forehead,frown,cheeks and lips zone.

A Coolifting treatment provides an intense treatment for the skin similiar to high intensity work out for the skin structures and functions.

Improved skin elasticity,improved circulation,encourages collagen production and repair,improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and destroys localised fatty deposits.


“Lovely to have Maria Carton Style Advisor stop by to prep her skin before her Masterclass in style tomorrow. Time is precious for the busy lady that she is, so we gave her skin a boost with a quick Microdermabraison/Anti-aging Mask + Coolifting Gun. See before/after pics. She knows her style and we know our skin!”

Coolifting CryoGun – Safe Fast Efficient 

What happens?

The Coolifting Cryogun uses non-invasive administration of active ingredients by means of CO2 pulses at high pressure and low temperature.

When using the combination of very high pressure and low temperatures,the active ingredients effectively saturate and are absorbed into the skin.

Other benefits include;

Paradoxical Vessel-Motricity – Where the blood vessels are simultaneously contracting and dilating.

Exponential Cryo & Baropheresis – pressure wash the system for the circulation

Thermal shock – increasing the simultaneous contraction and dilation of the blood vessels

Carboxytherapy – when Carbon Dioxide is detected in the skin tissues it induces a trick reaction from the body.The macrophages remove all traces of the Carbon Dioxide and there will be a supercharged release of Oxygen to counteract against the Carbon Dioxide.

Replenish Natural Hyaluronic Levels – as the serum molecules diffuse through the epidermis,they swell and replenish the natural hyaluronic levels already existing within the skin.As we age the natural production of hyaluronic acid slows down causing the skin to become dryer and form lines and wrinkles.Also the production of collagen and elastin is similarly stimulated during Coolift treatments to help the skin become more supple and smooth.