YOU rejuvenating YOU

A totally organic way of revitalising your skin or any part of your body – restores hair too!

PRP at Eden

You Rejuvinating You

Known in celebrity circles as The Vampire Facelift, a natural treatment whereby your nurse injects platelet rich plasma taken from your own blood back into multiple areas of your face to treat wrinkles and ‘rejuvenate’ the face.

What conditions can be treated with PRP?

PRP can be used to improve skin texture, lines and wrinkles. By placing it into the deeper skin layer, cells can be stimulated to a more youthful function. Crepey areas under eyes and in necks can show dramatic improvement and the general texture of the skin will improve. It is highly effective at improving sun damage and dull, worn-out looking skin too.

What areas can be treated with PRP?

There are few limitations to The Vampire Facelift and can be used to rejuvenate the face, neck, décolletage, backs of hands and other body areas. It is the safest and most effective treatment around the eyes with clients even reporting a whitening and renewed glow in the eyes themselves.

How does PRP Work?

PRP involves blood being taken from your body (like a blood test) then put into a machine that separates the blood cells, serum and platelets. The platelets are then injected directly back into the face or the area of the body in need of rejuvenation. Platelets release growth factors that help the body repair itself by stimulating cells to regenerate new tissue. So as well as improving the skin tone, the treatment also promotes healthy skin growth and collagen production so skin appears plumper and more vibrant.

What conditions can be treated with PRP?

PRP can be used to improve skin texture, lines and wrinkles. By placing it into the deeper skin layer, cells can be stimulated to a more youthful function. Crepey areas under eyes and in necks can show dramatic improvement and the general texture of the skin will improve. It is highly effective at improving sun damage and dull, worn-out looking skin too.

What areas can be treated with PRP?

There are few limitations to The Vampire Facelift and can be used to rejuvenate the face, neck, décolletage, backs of hands and other body areas. It is the safest and most effective treatment around the eyes with clients even reporting a whitening and renewed glow in the eyes themselves.

Is PRP Safe?

PRP is a completely safe and natural treatment and is highly effective at improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage and dull, worn-out looking skin. PRP Therapy can be also used to rejuvenate the face, neck, backs of hands and other body areas. It uses your own blood so there are little to no side effects and no risk of rejection.

How long is each PRP Session?

Each PRP session will take 45 minutes and you will be able to resume your normal daily routine straight after.

How many PRP sessions will I need?

Results will vary from person to person but we advise having 2 – 3 treatments 3 – 6 months apart.

How much does it cost?

Price: One treatment, €450. Two treatments, €800. Three treatments, €1,100.