What is Laser Hair Removal?
Remove unwanted hair faster and more effectively with cosmetic laser treatment. Almost everyone has unwanted hair some where on their body. Unfortunately, traditional hair removal routines can be tedious, painful and expensive over time. Shaving may last a day, waxing a couple of weeks, but none of them last forever —and therein lies the true beauty of laser hair removal.

Advanced Laser Technology
Here at Eden Skin & Laser Clinic we use the Cynosure Elite Medical Grade Laser system, the industry’s leading system for achieving superior and longer lasting results. It treats all skin types safely as it combines two lasers the Alexandrite laser for fairer skins and the Nd Yag laser for clients with darker skin.

Speciality Clinic Room
We have a specialist laser therapy room here at our Roscommon clinic dedicated to laser treatments carried out by our highly qualified aesticians. Easy parking on site, relax on our massage beds, complimentary drinks…

Bespoke Consultation
During your free consultation we ask you to complete a questionnaire,this is important as we need to assess if you are medically and physically suitable for laser hair removal treat.A patch test is then performed to make sure that you are 100% suitable for your first treatment.If you are having an area treated on your face and have a history of hyperpigmentation and/or a darker skin type a skin bleaching topical agent will be prescribed 2-4 weeks prior to treatment and 2 weeks after to prevent pigmentary changes.All clients are prescribed an SPF if having Laser Hair treatment on their face.
Your Treatment

- Ensure that your skin has not been exposed to direct sunlight or have used a sun bed 4 weeks prior to treatment.
- If you have sunburn or tan present your treatment will be cancelled.
- Fake tan/tinted moisturising body lotions must be removed completely at least 10 days prior to treatment if any of the above are present your treatment will be cancelled.
- Make-up/perfume must be removed for facial treatments. This can be done upon arrival at the clinic.
- We advise shaving/trimming the area the morning of or the day before each treatment and that minimum hair is visible on the area being treated.
- All areas must be prepared prior to laser treatment or treatment may be cancelled.
- It is necessary to stop bleaching your hair 21 days prior to treatments.
- White or light coloured under garments should be worn for treatment on the bikini area.

- You will be required to expose the area to be treated – as far as possible your dignity will be respected and preserved at all times.
- You will be required to wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from the laser.
- Ice packs are applied immediately after treatment to cool the area and Aloe Vera gel will be applied before you leave to further soothe the area. We recommend that you cool the area further at home.
- Your skin will show some redness and slight swelling post treatment. This should resolve within few hours following treatment and you should resume normal activities. We do recommend however, that you avoid hot bath,showers or saunas for 24 hrs. following treatment.
- Occasionally, superficial ‘skin flaking’ is experienced. In rare cases superficial blistering, scabbing, pigmentation changes may be seen following a treatment. This is a normal but if you are concerned please contact the clinic.
- Soon after treatment you will observe hair roots falling out. We do not recommend that you pluck these hairs. Instead we suggest that you exfoliate the area a week after treatment to encourage the hairs to fall out.
- You will receive a more detailed after-care sheet after each of your treatments.

After & Between Treatments
- If you wish to keep the treated area ‘hair free’ during treatments,you may shave or use hair removal creams to do so.
- Do not pluck, wax, thread or bleach the area between treatments, but do remember to ensure that the areas are prepped before you return for your next appointment.
- If the area has been exposed to sun in between your treatments, you should notify your therapist of this to avoid any adverse skin reactions.
- The area should not be exposed to direct sunlight until your course of treatments to that area is complete. This will reduce the risk of hypo pigmentation/hyper pigmentation and ensure a more effective treatment is given.
- If you are planning exposure to sun or have been recently exposed to sun, please notify your clinic prior to your treatment as we may have to be defer treatments until your skin is suitable for treatment.
- If having laser treatment on your face wear your prescribed SPF daily, reapplying regularly if in sunnier weather.
Does it hurt?
The treatment causes only minimal discomfort. Patients often say it feels similar to the snap of a rubber band. Alongside Cynosure Laser we have the Smartcool cooling system which cools the skin and thus making the treatment more comfortable. Slight redness or localized swelling can occasionally occur, but this usually subsides within the first 24 hours after treatment.
How many treatments are required?
Typically patients will see results in 4–6 treatments, though this number will vary based upon skin tone, hair colour and several other factors.Your practitioner will talk to you about variables that may affect your individual results.
How long does a treatment take?
A treatment may last from 5 mins for a small area and up to an hour for larger areas e.g. legs and full back.
What are the risks of Laser Treatment?
Laser hair removal is a lunch time procedure. There is no recovery time. Patients can return to work or play immediately. These lasers do not remove skin, so the risks are very low. As with any procedure, we have an informed consent that explains all the possible risks.