We ask you, Our valued our Customers

COVID-19 Clinic Guidelines

Guest Arrival & Reception Guidelines

  • Text on arrival and wait in your car until we reply to come inside.
  • We will greet you warmly but without any personal contact.
  • We will stagger customer arrival times to minimise close contact, currently there will be no waiting area.
  • We will clean the reception area regularly.
  • Where possible we will escort you straight to the treatment area/room to avoid congestion in waiting areas.
  • Please pay by card or other cashless means where possible.

Our Clinic

  • We have undertaken a thorough review of our clinic and the services we offer.
  • We have re-arranged our waiting, reception and treatment areas to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
  • All surfaces in the salon will be cleaned regularly and wiped with the appropriate cleaning product between each treatment.
  • All items of equipment will be cleaned before and after every treatment. This includes all metal instruments, brushes, bowls and tweezers.
  • Single-use disposable items will be used where necessary (sustainable alternatives are kept where possible).
  • We will ensure adequate ventilation throughout the clinic, with doors and windows open where possible.
  • Toilet facilities/beverages/magazines are not available.

Our Team

  • We have conducted training to ensure all team members care for our customers in a safe, hygienic and professional manner.
  • Staff have been trained to adapt each treatment to uphold best practice, including hygiene and safety.
  • We have agreed social distancing for our team in communal staff areas.
  • Staff are briefed to uphold safe standards while dealing with responsibilities at reception.

Our Treatments

  • We have reviewed our treatment menu and removed treatments where we felt it necessary to do so.
  • Our therapists will wear gloves, masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) during treatments where required. Therapists will wash their hands before and after every treatment.
  • When your treatment is finished your therapist will escort you to the reception area when it is free and safe to do so.